Frases sobre ''Paint''

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I'm sorry I didn't wear paint this morning. I tend not to wear it unless I'm getting highly paid.

Autor: Tyne Daly
  Morning , Paint , Wear , Sorry

I paint paintings of people.

Autor: Amy Sherald
  People , Paint , Paintings

If you've never mixed paint, you aren't going to be able to paint properly.

Autor: Chris Milk
  You , Never , Going , Paint

I can paint pictures, but I cannot rule men.

Autor: Fra Angelico
  Men , I Can , Paint , Pictures

I make movies just as painters paint: I work where I can.

Autor: Jean-Jacques Annaud
  Work , Movies , I Can , Paint

I am like a folk painter. Paint and move ahead.

Autor: M. F. Husain
  Like , I Am , Ahead , Paint

We work in a shop about the size of the paint department of Richard Childress Racing.

Autor: Robby Gordon
  Work , Racing , Paint , Size

I still love a lot of the guys who just paint.

Autor: Bill Sienkiewicz
  Love , Just , Who , Paint

Trump is an icon. He is a part of American history. He is every bit the icon as anyone I paint.

Autor: Michael Israel
  He , History , American , Paint

Art doesn't feed me or fill the void when I am not working. If I haven't worked for six months, I can't paint.

Autor: Rod Taylor
  Me , I Am , Art , Paint

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