Frases sobre ''Oxford''

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I was born in Oxford. I grew up in Cascais, Portugal.

Autor: Annabelle Wallis
  Up , Born , I Was Born , Oxford , Portugal

From 1931 to 1937, I was a Fellow and Lecturer in Economics at Hertford College, Oxford.

Autor: James Meade
  College , Economics , Oxford , Lecturer

The silver Thames takes some part of this county in its journey to Oxford.

Autor: John Aubrey
  Some , Journey , Silver , Oxford

In 1960, I went to St. Catherine's College, Oxford, and received the B.A. degree in Chemistry in 1964.

Autor: John E. Walker
  College , Degree , Chemistry , Oxford

I literally fell among Quakers when I went up to Oxford.

Autor: Lionel Blue
  Up , Literally , Oxford , Among

I was educated at Bradfield College and Oxford, where I graduated in 1939.

Autor: Martin Ryle
  Where , College , Educated , Oxford

I prefer simpler shirts, like a solid oxford or pinstripe, and with a solid cashmere crewneck or V-neck.

Autor: Michael Bastian
  Like , Solid , Oxford , Shirts

The Oxford manner is, alas, indefinable; I was going to say indefensible.

Autor: Robert Baldwin Ross
  Say , Going , Oxford , Alas

While at Oxford in 1999, I met Jonathan Fortier, who is a Montreal-born Canadian. Despite the challenges of a transatlantic relationship, we remained keen on each other and eventually married in 2002.

Autor: Anne Fortier
  Who , Relationship , Challenges , Met , Oxford

It was 1988, and I was just finishing a D.Phil at Oxford University on the topic of 'Nietzsche and German Idealism.'

Autor: Matthew Stewart
  Just , University , Finishing , Oxford

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