Frases sobre ''Overcoming''

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Asymmetric balance creates greater reader interest. Pleasure derived from observing asymmetrical arrangements lies partly in overcoming resistances, which, consciously or not, the spectator adjusts in his own mind.

Autor: Paul Rand
  Own , Mind , Balance , Overcoming

Identifying and overcoming natural fear is one of the pleasing struggles intrinsic to climbing.

Autor: Alex Lowe
  Fear , Natural , Overcoming , Struggles

Napoleon's plan was for his army to arrive in Egypt not as conquerors but liberators. Landing in Aboukir Bay on July 1, 1798, the French captured Alexandria the next day, overcoming the surprised Mamelukes - the despotic local rulers - with a combination of modern artillery and infantry tactics.

Autor: Tom Reiss
  Day , Army , Egypt , Overcoming

The overcoming of adversity and, ultimately, denying it the rite of passage, has been a constant and perpetual motive throughout my life.

Autor: Heather Mills
  Life , My Life , Adversity , Overcoming

Being aware of your fear is smart. Overcoming it is the mark of a successful person.

Autor: Seth Godin
  Person , Fear , Smart , Overcoming

Overcoming my shyness has been a lifelong struggle.

Autor: Susan Lucci
  Been , Struggle , Overcoming , Shyness

Overcoming adversity not only makes you stronger, it makes you more hopeful.

Autor: Valerie Jarrett
  You , Adversity , Stronger , Overcoming

Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune.

Autor: William James
  Step , Acceptance , First Step , Overcoming

Be willing to have it so. Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune.

Autor: William James
  Step , Acceptance , First Step , Overcoming

Among the qualities most needed among those who aspire to true leadership in the fostering of peace and goodwill among the nations and in overcoming racial and religious antagonism is the cooperative spirit and objective.

Autor: John Mott
  True , Peace , Leadership , Overcoming

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