Frases sobre ''Outcome''

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It is not through any combinations of politicians that the outcome of an electoral campaign is decided.

Autor: Dominique de Villepin
  Through , Politicians , Campaign , Outcome

You can't bank on the outcome.

Autor: Daniel Berrigan
  You , Bank , Outcome

Once I'm committed, I'm unafraid of the outcome.

Autor: Helmut Lang
  Once , Outcome , Committed , Unafraid

None of us is certain about the outcome of the Arab Spring.

Autor: Kelly Ayotte
  About , Us , Spring , Outcome

A national primary election would electrify the people and give them a larger stake in the outcome.

Autor: Leopoldo Lopez
  People , Give , Election , Outcome

Eventually, the outcome of a film is not in my hands. What I do while making the film is in my hands, and that is what translates onto the screen.

Autor: Shruti Haasan
  Making , Hands , Film , Outcome

Everyone wants a hand in the outcome, a piece of the knowledge.

Autor: Walter Gilbert
  Everyone , Knowledge , Hand , Outcome

Audiences like to be challenged and to be actively involved and try to guess an outcome.

Autor: Andrew Scott
  Like , Guess , Try , Outcome

I'd update my resume so you're ready for any outcome.

Autor: Bob Weinstein
  You , Ready , Resume , Outcome

Confidence isn't optimism or pessimism, and it's not a character attribute. It's the expectation of a positive outcome.

Autor: Rosabeth Moss Kanter
  Character , Positive , Confidence , Outcome

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