Frases sobre ''Objects''
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The self has the characteristic that it is an object to itself, and that characteristic distinguishes it from other objects and from the body.
Autor: George Herbert MeadBody , Self , Objects , Object
There is no conclusive proof of Unidentified Flying Objects flying over India-China border.
Autor: A. K. AntonyOver , Flying , Border , Objects
I was not influenced by composers as much as by natural objects and physical phenomena.
Autor: Edgard VareseObjects , Much , Natural , Physical
I have some beautiful 20th-century drawings and a few paintings, but I'm not a collector, and I'm not particularly attached to objects.
Autor: Eric-Emmanuel SchmittBeautiful , Some , Objects , Attached
Mathematicians do not study objects, but relations between objects.
Autor: Henri PoincaréStudy , Objects , Between , Mathematicians
The question of the composition of perceptible objects is one which already occupied the mind of the ancient Greeks.
Autor: Johannes StarkMind , Objects , Question , Ancient
I've been a printmaker and designed objects. I've done 500 posters.
Autor: Milton GlaserDone , Objects , Been , Posters
The familiar material objects may not be all that is real, but they are admirable examples.
Autor: Willard Van Orman QuineObjects , Real , May , Admirable
Conventional show-biz savvy held that Americans hated to be the objects of satire.
Autor: Carroll O'ConnorObjects , Hated , Satire , Savvy
I don't believe in blaming inanimate objects for anything.
Autor: Peter BenchleyAnything , Believe , Objects , Blaming