Frases sobre ''Obamacare''

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I say we need to repeal Obamacare as fast as we can.

Autor: John Raese
  Need , Say , Fast , Obamacare

We need to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Autor: Greg Gianforte
  Need , Replace , Repeal , Obamacare

Obamacare is simply not sustainable.

Autor: Sarah Huckabee Sanders
  Simply , Obamacare , Sustainable

All Americans should be exempt from the atrocities of Obamacare - no exception.

Autor: Austin Scott
  Should , Exception , Atrocities , Obamacare

I'm not a supporter of ObamaCare. I voted to repeal it, to defund it, et cetera. But we do need to move on.

Autor: Erik Paulsen
  Need , Move , Move On , Obamacare

We would not have this catastrophe of Obamacare if it were not for Jon Tester.

Autor: Matt Rosendale
  Were , Would , Obamacare , Catastrophe

Obamacare is, quite simply, the federal version of Romneycare.

Autor: Mike DeWine
  Version , Quite , Simply , Obamacare

Obamacare has got to go.

Autor: Steve King
  Go , Got , Obamacare

The Medicaid expansion enacted under Obamacare is unaffordable for the taxpayers of Kentucky and should be repealed.

Autor: Matt Bevin
  Should , Obamacare , Expansion , Kentucky

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