Frases sobre ''Nonfiction''

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But I don't read a lot of fiction. I prefer the nonfiction stuff.

Autor: Andy Richter
  Read , Fiction , Lot , Stuff , Nonfiction

There is no longer any such thing as fiction or nonfiction; there's only narrative.

Autor: E. L. Doctorow
  Only , Fiction , Any , Nonfiction

Ah, well, I have no talent for nonfiction, that's my problem.

Autor: Jonathan Coe
  Talent , Well , Problem , Nonfiction

I'm working on a nonfiction book on Nepal and a novel about diasporas.

Autor: Louise Brown
  About , Book , Working , Nonfiction

I grew up reading Stephen King, Peter Straub, Clive Barker, Robert McCammon, Isaac Asimov's nonfiction books, and Roald Dahl.

Autor: Nnedi Okorafor
  Up , Reading , King , Nonfiction

Nonfiction is never going to die.

Autor: Tom Wolfe
  Never , Going , Die , Nonfiction

Nonfiction that uses novelistic devices and strategies to shape the work. That's material that I really like.

Autor: Rick Moody
  Work , Like , Shape , Nonfiction

The expectations for a nonfiction writer are awful high.

Autor: Richard Ben Cramer
  High , Writer , Expectations , Nonfiction

I used to distinguish between my fiction and nonfiction in terms of superiority or inferiority.

Autor: Peter Matthiessen
  Fiction , Used , Nonfiction , Superiority

I've written many nonfiction books, but that's a special gift.

Autor: Tim LaHaye
  Gift , Special , Books , Nonfiction

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