Frases sobre ''Nightmare''

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A nightmare is two bassists on stage.

Autor: Chris Squire
  Two , Stage , Nightmare

It was a nightmare. The band had to tour Greenland by bus.

Autor: Fred Schneider
  Tour , Band , Bus , Nightmare

The fairytale has turned into a nightmare.

Autor: Ian Thorpe
  Turned , Nightmare , Fairytale

Three writers together would be a nightmare of obstreperous self-consciousness.

Autor: Mary Gaitskill
  Three , Together , Would , Nightmare

Jail was terrible. It was a nightmare.

Autor: Meek Mill
  Jail , Terrible , Nightmare

For me, school was a nightmare. I struggled.

Autor: Princess Beatrice of York
  Me , School , Nightmare , Struggled

When I was 14, 15, 16, I was wearing 'Edward Scissorhands' and 'Nightmare before Christmas' stuff. I saw 'Sleepy Hollow' a dozen times.

Autor: Kate Leth
  Christmas , Wearing , Nightmare , Sleepy

I had very clever producers, who scheduled it brilliantly, but scheduling it was a nightmare.

Autor: John Crowley
  Who , Clever , Very , Nightmare

'The Shining,' 'A Nightmare on Elm Street,' 'Halloween.' Those are the greats.

Autor: Maika Monroe
  Street , Those , Halloween , Nightmare

Warning stickers on books would be a nightmare.

Autor: Scott Westerfeld
  Books , Would , Warning , Nightmare

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