Frases sobre ''Nigeria''
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The U.S. government understands the importance of Nigeria in Africa and the world at large.
Autor: Muhammadu BuhariWorld , Africa , Government , Nigeria
My full name is Olatunde Olateju Olaolorun Fagbenle. I was named after my grandfather. It's Yoruba, which is, like, southern Nigeria.
Autor: O. T. FagbenleName , Like , Grandfather , Nigeria
There isn't a class structure in Nigeria; there's a tribal structure and prestige as far as money is concerned.
Autor: Sade AduMoney , Class , Far , Nigeria
Nigeria has its problems, nobody denies that, but there is a surge of spiritual - I would say, Christian - dynamics that are awesome.
Autor: Reinhard BonnkeProblems , Nobody , Spiritual , Nigeria
The fundamental for the sustainable growth of Nigeria is not in the hydro-carbon industry but in agriculture.
Autor: Yemi OsinbajoGrowth , Industry , Agriculture , Nigeria
No economy can tolerate the level of corruption seen in Nigeria without consequences.
Autor: Yemi OsinbajoSeen , Without , Corruption , Nigeria
From 1971 to 1993, my family lived in a number of African countries, including Malawi, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Nigeria, as well as Uganda itself.
Autor: Giles FodenFamily , Well , Nigeria , Ethiopia
My brothers and sisters, we are all winners. In this context there is no victor and no vanquished. We have demonstrated, even in our diversity, the progress of Nigeria remains paramount for all.
Autor: Goodluck JonathanProgress , Diversity , Winners , Nigeria
Our choice of a reform framework dictated that we looked at the fundamental assumptions that had driven Nigeria's economy, society and policy hitherto and to seek ways of either abandoning or transcending those assumptions and their supporting institutions.
Autor: Ibrahim BabangidaSociety , Choice , Assumptions , Nigeria