Frases sobre ''Nations''

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Corporations, like nations, do not have friends. They have interests.

Autor: Ari Melber
  Friends , Like , Nations , Corporations

The United Nations is a mess, riddled with scandals. In fact, the U.N. itself is a scandal.

Autor: Ginny Brown-Waite
  Mess , United Nations , Fact , Nations

Nations, like men, have their infancy.

Autor: Henry IV of England
  Like , Men , Nations , Infancy

It is a commonplace that the League of Nations is not yet-what its most enthusiastic protagonists intended it to be.

Autor: Hjalmar Branting
  Most , Nations , Intended , Enthusiastic

Nations are divided, but we citizens need not be.

Autor: Ian Goldin
  Need , Citizens , Nations , Divided

There is no such thing as the United Nations.

Autor: John Bolton
  Thing , United , United Nations , Nations

A constitution that is made for all nations is made for none.

Autor: Joseph de Maistre
  Made , None , Constitution , Nations

If nations perish, it is not because of their devotion to liberty, but for their disregard of its requirements.

Autor: William Lloyd Garrison
  Because , Devotion , Liberty , Nations

Luxembourg's aims is to be in the top 10 space-faring nations in the world.

Autor: Etienne Schneider
  World , Top , Nations , Aims

Nations, not least America, retain full command of their national forces.

Autor: Mike Jackson
  America , National , Full , Nations

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