Frases sobre ''Nationalism''
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In some states militant nationalism has gone to the lengths of dictatorship, the cult of the absolute or totalitarian state and the glorification of war.
Autor: Arthur HendersonWar , Some , Dictatorship , Nationalism
Nationalism is like alcoholism: a short period of exaltation followed by a long period of headaches.
Autor: Frans TimmermansLong , Short , Like , Nationalism
The times of Arab nationalism and unity are gone forever. These ideas which mobilized the masses are only a worthless currency.
Autor: Muammar al-GaddafiIdeas , Unity , Forever , Nationalism
Many ethnic minorities chafed at the postcolonial nationalism of India and Pakistan, and some rebelled.
Autor: Pankaj MishraIndia , Pakistan , Ethnic , Nationalism
Independence did not mean chauvinism and narrow nationalism.
Autor: Said MusaDid , Mean , Independence , Nationalism
When you forcefully suppress religious nationalism, you radicalize it.
Autor: Reza AslanYou , Religious , Nationalism , Suppress
Economic nationalism is what this country was built on. The American system.
Autor: Steve BannonAmerican , Country , Economic , Nationalism
Jewish and Palestinian nationalism are virtually contemporaneous, and grew out of the disruptions that created new national movements from the ruins of the old empires / i.
Autor: Jack SchwartzNew , Old , Out , Nationalism
Under Nasser, Egyptian nationalism was built on little more than pan-Arab irredentism and anti-Western and anti-Israeli sentiment. Mr. Mubarak retained these powerful brainwashers and allowed the rise of a religious component to further alienate Egyptians from liberal and democratic thinking.
Autor: Andre AcimanThinking , Powerful , Rise , Nationalism