Frases sobre ''NASA''
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I live an hour from NASA's HQ in Washington, D.C., and sitting in a jam stresses me out.
Autor: Ellen StofanMe , Live , Sitting , NASA
Cutting NASA education funds would most severely affect students from low- to middle-income families and students from non-Ivy League-level schools.
Autor: Emily CalandrelliEducation , Low , Students , NASA
I thought that NASA didn't take biologists and so nothing would come of it. But I knew I would regret it if I did not apply.
Autor: Kathleen RubinsNothing , Thought , Regret , NASA
The first year I was at NASA, I was only responsible for optical and ultraviolet astronomy. Frankly, there wasn't much else.
Autor: Nancy RomanOnly , First , Year , NASA
NASA wanted to assure its ability to examine the spacecraft in orbit for signs of damage.
Autor: Marc GarneauWanted , Ability , Signs , NASA
I was working with stem cells as part of a NASA programme. We realised that the science of stem-cell proliferation was also fundamental to cancer cells when cancer enters the phase of metastasis.
Autor: Patrick Soon-ShiongScience , Cells , Cancer , NASA
NSS has strongly supported competition in both the NASA Commercial Re-supply Services program and the Commercial Crew program.
Autor: Bruce PittmanCompetition , Crew , Both , NASA
Fortunately, I got called down to NASA for an interview. And one thing led to the next, and one day I got that call. I've been here about seven years now and am really enjoying it.
Autor: Michael P. AndersonDay , Down , One Day , NASA
A few months after NASA was formed, I was asked if I knew anyone who would like to set up a program in space astronomy.
Autor: Nancy RomanUp , Like , Space , NASA