Frases sobre ''Narcissism''
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When you're an actor, you can be hindered by your own narcissism.
Autor: Amanda PeetYou , Your , Own , Narcissism
We're making far too big a deal out of our sexual preferences. It's just another form of narcissism, and I think it can be a big problem and a tremendous obstacle.
Autor: Andrew CohenThink , Big , Problem , Narcissism
A little narcissism is good. At least that's what I am telling myself.
Autor: Andy DunnMyself , I Am , Good , Narcissism
There's a kind of journalistic narcissism that New York-based journalists are guilty of.
Autor: Bernard GoldbergNew , Kind , Guilty , Narcissism
When I get online, there's this cycle of anxiety and narcissism that takes over, which is the part of me that I like the least.
Autor: Garth Risk HallbergMe , Like , Narcissism , Anxiety
Politics has become infused with narcissism in America.
Autor: John OliverPolitics , America , Become , Narcissism
I'm in a business that invites narcissism, self-involvement, and egos being blown out of proportion.
Autor: Michael KeatonBeing , Business , Out , Narcissism
There's a thin line between narcissism, even if it's a healthy narcissism, and entertainment.
Autor: Richard LewisLine , Entertainment , Narcissism , Healthy
All tyrannies are virtuoso displays, over many years, of cunning, risk-taking, terror, delusion, narcissism, showmanship, and charm, distilled into a spectacle of total personal control.
Autor: Simon Sebag MontefioreYears , Control , Personal , Narcissism