Frases sobre ''Mustache''

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The Brawny man is a prime example of a guy with a cool-looking mustache.

Autor: Brooklyn Decker
  Man , Example , Guy , Mustache

I just grow a terrible mustache, so I try to use my neckbeard as a substitute. And when I get lazy, I don't shave that often.

Autor: Andrew Luck
  Grow , Try , Mustache , Lazy

I can't grow a mustache. It's pretty sad if I attempt to.

Autor: Ashton Kutcher
  Pretty , Grow , Sad , Mustache

I watched a lot of Douglas Fairbanks movies. He always played the same role with a mustache. Zorro had a mustache. The Musketeer had a mustache. Tarzan had a mustache.

Autor: Jean Dujardin
  Always , Movies , Same , Mustache

The thing with the mustache is, it's a classic. A guy can always wear a mustache. But it's still tricky and potentially fraught with peril.

Autor: Kayleen Schaefer
  Always , Wear , Mustache , Classic

I've grown this mustache which saves me from having to glue on one every day in the heat.

Autor: Keith Carradine
  Me , Day , Every Day , Mustache

I was about six years old when I did 'Orchids and Ermine.' They dressed me in a suit, put a mustache under my nose, a cigar in my mouth, a cane in my hand, and a hat on my head.

Autor: Mickey Rooney
  Me , Hat , Mouth , Mustache

I stuck with a mustache because... do you know Magnum P.I.?

Autor: Steven Adams
  You , Know , Because , Mustache

When I went to the Olympics, I had every intention of shaving the mustache off, but I realized I was getting so many comments about it - and everybody was talking about it - that I decided to keep it.

Autor: Mark Spitz
  Talking , Mustache , Intention , Shaving

I like to put on a wig or a fake mustache and do something silly with friends, do a little dance.

Autor: Tom Lenk
  Friends , Dance , Fake , Mustache

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