Frases sobre ''Musical Theater''

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I've always been really artistic. I went to an all-girls' private Catholic school, and one of their biggest things was musical theater. I became obsessed with that.

Autor: Daniela Bobadilla
  Always , School , Things , Musical Theater

I grew up doing musical theater.

Autor: Chris Colfer
  Up , Doing , Theater , Musical Theater

I have a lot of respect for the musical theater plays.

Autor: Christina Milian
  Respect , Lot , Theater , Musical Theater

I've always been really artistic. I went to an all-girls private Catholic school, and one of their biggest things was musical theater.

Autor: Daniela Bobadilla
  Always , School , Things , Musical Theater

In college, I actually majored in Musical Theater. I was pursuing a BFA in Musical Theater.

Autor: Grant Gustin
  College , Theater , Musical Theater

I love singing! I grew up in musical theater.

Autor: Juliette Goglia
  Love , Up , Singing , Musical Theater

If there is a Busta Rhymes of musical theater, it probably is Mandy Patinkin.

Autor: Lin-Manuel Miranda
  Theater , Musical Theater , Rhymes

I really wished I had done the backpacking-through-Europe thing when I was younger, but I was busy doing musical theater.

Autor: Annie Wersching
  Doing , Done , Busy , Musical Theater

I so miss musical theater. Secretly, I'm in awe of Broadway performers.

Autor: Brianna Brown
  Miss , Awe , Broadway , Musical Theater

I started in musical theater as a little girl in Houston.

Autor: Chandra Wilson
  Girl , Started , Little , Musical Theater

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