Frases sobre ''Moscow''
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Moscow had this incredible, intense atmosphere of intrigue and darkness and secrecy.
Autor: Alan FurstDarkness , Atmosphere , Moscow , Incredible
We are the party of the Czechoslovak proletariat and our general headquarters are in Moscow.
Autor: Klement GottwaldParty , Our , General , Moscow
All of our anchors begin their shows with 'Hello from Moscow.'
Autor: Margarita SimonyanOur , Begin , Moscow , Hello
If there is a specialty cocktail I enjoy, it's the Moscow mule.
Autor: Scott Michael FosterEnjoy , Moscow , Cocktail , Mule
I was deeply involved in the decision that President Jimmy Carter made to boycott the Olympics in Moscow in 1980.
Autor: Zbigniew BrzezinskiPresident , Made , Decision , Moscow
The Russians have a lot at stake, and the power of Moscow pride should never be underestimated.
Autor: Bob SchafferNever , Power , Pride , Moscow
I have always dreamed of bringing an exhibit of Mark Rothko to Moscow.
Autor: Dasha ZhukovaAlways , Moscow , Mark , Exhibit
While the specifics of Russia's interference in the 2016 American election remain unclear, no one doubts that Moscow has built a robust technological arsenal for waging cyberattacks.
Autor: Jared CohenAmerican , Russia , Election , Moscow
In 2012, Vladimir Putin returned to the presidency after a four-year, constitutionally imposed hiatus. It wasn't the smoothest of transitions. To his surprise, in the run-up to his inauguration, protesters filled the streets of Moscow and other major cities to denounce his comeback.
Autor: Franklin FoerStreets , Surprise , Moscow , Comeback