Frases sobre ''Mom And Dad''

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I didn't really get into golf until I was about 14. My mom and dad were taking lessons from a pro an hour and a half from our farm in Cohuna, Australia. When they got home, I'd ask my mom to explain everything they learned - drills and all.

Autor: Stuart Appleby
  Mom , Home , Dad , Mom And Dad

It's always been a dream of mine to get somewhere and to have my mom and dad with me up there.

Autor: Haley Reinhart
  Me , Mom , Dad , Mom And Dad

My mom and dad always tried to make Christmas special for us. We were poor, but it's funny because we had no idea.

Autor: Johnny Mathis
  Mom , Dad , Funny , Mom And Dad

With my mom and dad around, I became a child yet again.

Autor: Manisha Koirala
  Mom , Dad , Child , Mom And Dad

First and foremost, it's my mom and dad who gave me the foundation, the belief in me that I could do anything.

Autor: Michael Kelly
  Me , Mom , Dad , Mom And Dad

My mom and dad are New Yorkers who left the tenement streets of the Bronx and came to Los Angeles when 'West Side Story' was real. They have the scars to prove it.

Autor: Taylor Negron
  Mom , New , Dad , Mom And Dad

I bugged my mom and dad to 'get me inside the television set' when I was about four years old.

Autor: Bill Mumy
  Me , Mom , Dad , Mom And Dad

When my mom and dad got married, they lived in south Boston, which is where the first six of my brothers were born. After that, they moved to Minnesota, which is where the other five of us were born. So there's 11 of us.

Autor: Denis McDonough
  Mom , Dad , Born , Mom And Dad

It was sort of just a family sport. My mom and dad were pretty keen golfers when I was young and so were my grandparents, and I just sort of tagged along with them.

Autor: Karrie Webb
  Mom , Family , Dad , Mom And Dad

Well, Mom and Dad are both actors, and I've spent a lot of time watching my mom on stage and a lot of time on set with my dad, so it was very much a part of my growing up.

Autor: Eleanor Tomlinson
  Mom , Time , Dad , Mom And Dad

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