Frases sobre ''Miracle''

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I have always looked on disobedience toward the oppressive as the only way to use the miracle of having been born.

Autor: Oriana Fallaci
  Always , Way , Born , Miracle

To make a film is easy; to make a good film is war. To make a very good film is a miracle.

Autor: Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
  Good , War , Easy , Miracle

The concept of the marvelous begins to take form when it arises from an unexpected alteration of reality, the miracle.

Autor: Alejo Carpentier
  Reality , Take , Unexpected , Miracle

Touch'd either the Passions of Rage or Grief to a Miracle.

Autor: Barton Booth
  Either , Grief , Miracle , Rage

Everyday holds the possibility of a miracle.

Autor: Elizabeth David
  Possibility , Everyday , Miracle , Holds

I read the novel 'Miracle at St. Anna' when it was first released, and I loved it.

Autor: Omar Benson Miller
  Read , First , Loved , Miracle

Getting a movie made is a miracle... because the studios are only interested in making 'The Avengers.'

Autor: Bryan Fogel
  Only , Because , Made , Miracle

If Damon Wayans is not breaking, it's a miracle. He is so funny that he makes everyone die laughing.

Autor: Casey Wilson
  Everyone , Funny , Die , Miracle

If it's free, it's advice; if you pay for it, it's counseling; if you can use either one, it's a miracle.

Autor: Jack Adams
  You , Free , Advice , Miracle

I had been very close to Anne Bancroft when we worked together in The Miracle Worker.

Autor: Patty Duke
  Together , Very , Close , Miracle

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