Frases sobre ''Mining''
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My grandfather was from Aberdare. He was a coal miner who emigrated and then continued mining in Pennsylvania.
Autor: Irwin ThomasHe , Who , Grandfather , Mining
If it can't be proven that mountaintop removal mining is safe, we shouldn't allow it to continue.
Autor: John YarmuthContinue , Safe , Mining , Allow
You have to have a globally competitive mining dispensation.
Autor: Patrice MotsepeYou , Mining , Competitive , Globally
Sulfide-ore mining is one of the most toxic industries in America and has a long history of polluting waterways with acid drainage that contains arsenic, mercury, and lead.
Autor: Seth MoultonLong , History , America , Mining
My great-grandfather was a coal miner, who worked in Pennsylvania mines when carts were pulled by mules and mines were lit by candles. Mining was very dangerous work then.
Autor: Tim MurphyWork , Dangerous , Mining , Lit
We set up a small bitcoin and ethereum mining operation... that miraculously now is actually making a lot of money.
Autor: Abigail JohnsonMoney , Now , Small , Mining
All industry, not just the mining industry, can get out and give Aboriginal companies a chance.
Autor: Andrew ForrestJust , Get , Out , Chance , Mining
My mother's a secretary; my father's an electrician in a mining company.
Autor: Eva HerzigovaFather , Mother , Company , Mining
The mining towns I describe in the 'Helium-3' novel series are not unlike Coalwood, but there is one major difference: Those towns, rather than being located in the Appalachian coalfields, are on the moon.
Autor: Homer HickamBeing , Difference , Mining , Moon