Frases sobre ''Minimum Wage''

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Raising the minimum wage, as President Obama proposed in his State of the Union address, tends to be more popular with the general public than with economists.

Autor: Christina Romer
  More , Union , Economists , Minimum Wage

Increasing minimum wage doesn't build a stronger economy.

Autor: Karen Handel
  Build , Economy , Stronger , Minimum Wage

The current minimum wage simply is not supporting Ohio's working families.

Autor: Sherrod Brown
  Working , Simply , Minimum Wage , Ohio

The value of the minimum wage shouldn't be eroded, and it has been.

Autor: Robert J. Garagiola
  Value , Been , Minimum Wage , Minimum

A minimum wage leads to higher levels of unemployment.

Autor: Steve Hanke
  Higher , Unemployment , Minimum Wage , Wage

What I want to do is create jobs that make the minimum wage irrelevant.

Autor: Thom Tillis
  Want , Make , Create , Minimum Wage

When I started in the business, the minimum wage was $1.25. I've seen an enormous number of wage increases. Basically, it applies evenly to everyone in the business.

Autor: Fred DeLuca
  Everyone , Business , Seen , Minimum Wage

If I were in charge of the government, I would index the minimum wage to inflation, so that way, everybody knows what they can count on.

Autor: Fred DeLuca
  Way , Government , Inflation , Minimum Wage

What is the source of power of musicians who are financially browbeaten, most of whom work for minimum wage or less? Musicians who cannot even afford to buy tickets to operas or concerts in which they themselves perform?

Autor: Itay Talgam
  Work , Power , Musicians , Minimum Wage

Anyone who's tried to pay a heating bill, fill a prescription, or simply buy groceries knows all too well that the current minimum wage does not cut the mustard.

Autor: Sherrod Brown
  Well , Tried , Buy , Minimum Wage

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