Frases sobre ''Middle Class''
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Lots of middle class people are running around pretending to be Cockney.
Autor: Christopher EcclestonPeople , Class , Pretending , Middle Class
The controversies between the proletariat and the middle class had to be smoothed out and bridged over by each getting to know and understand the other.
Autor: Fritz SauckelKnow , Understand , Class , Middle Class
There is no such thing as a black middle class.
Autor: H. Rap BrownBlack , Class , Middle , Middle Class
There are three social classes in America: upper middle class, middle class, and lower middle class.
Autor: Judith MartinThree , America , Class , Middle Class
I come from the lower middle class, originally. We didn't have anything.
Autor: Orrin HatchCome , Anything , Class , Middle Class
I strongly support tax relief for the middle class.
Autor: Rick LarsenSupport , Class , Tax , Middle Class
I want to make sure that ours is a party that is focusing on both middle class issues and not becoming a party of our two coasts.
Autor: Steve BullockWant , Party , Class , Middle Class
When I ascended from the depths of the working class to the middle class, the higher I got, the more dishonesty I found.
Autor: Steven BerkoffMore , Class , Middle Class , Dishonesty
The middle class, in the white population, encompasses a wide swath.
Autor: Constance Baker MotleyClass , White , Population , Middle Class