Frases sobre ''Mexico''

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I've been to location shoots in Mexico before, and everyone ends up getting sick.

Autor: Ann Rutherford
  Everyone , Sick , Mexico , Location

In Mexico, the perception of power is power.

Autor: Denise Dresser
  Power , Perception , Mexico

I've never seen oil slicks covering such a large area in the Gulf of Mexico.

Autor: John Amos
  Never , Seen , Oil , Mexico

I started wrestling in Mexico, and then I came to New Japan.

Autor: Kazuchika Okada
  New , Started , Mexico , Japan

With Ajax, I played Mexico in Mexico City, and our players could hardly keep up for half the match.

Autor: Louis van Gaal
  Up , Half , City , Mexico

My conscious life has all been in Kenya, and it's my point of reference. But going back to Mexico was very formative.

Autor: Lupita Nyong'o
  Life , Back , Going , Mexico

My driving abilities from Mexico have helped me get through Hollywood.

Autor: Salma Hayek
  Me , Driving , Hollywood , Mexico

Mexico is only a memory of childhood safety.

Autor: Sandra Cisneros
  Memory , Safety , Childhood , Mexico

I had been successful in Japan, Mexico, and Puerto Rico, but nothing in the U.S. where it really matters.

Autor: Scott Hall
  Successful , Nothing , Matters , Mexico

We have a documentary film festival in Mexico. It's really original. It's called Ambulante, and it's a film festival that travels around several cities in Mexico.

Autor: Gael Garcia Bernal
  Film , Mexico , Original , Festival

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