Frases sobre ''Mexican''
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If I were president of the United States, I'd build a great wall along the Mexican border and not let anybody in.
Autor: Dave MustaineGreat , Build , Border , Mexican
Though I'm Punjabi, I'm often mistaken to be a Mexican or Spaniard.
Autor: Deep RoyOften , Though , Mexican , Mistaken
Cinco de Mayo has come to represent a celebration of the contributions that Mexican Americans and all Hispanics have made to America.
Autor: Joe BacaAmerica , Come , Mexican , Celebration
Yeah, Dundee was great. It was a great film. I fell in love with my Mexican wife on Dundee.
Autor: Sam PeckinpahLove , Great , Wife , Mexican
Much of what we now consider to be problems concerning immigration and assimilation really concern Mexican immigration and assimilation.
Autor: Samuel P. HuntingtonProblems , Now , Mexican , Immigration
In addition to the dread of Indians, Texas held out no inducements for Mexican emigrants.
Autor: William H. WhartonOut , Texas , Mexican , Indians
I looked real Neanderthal. I could have been Mexican, I could have been black; I could have been anything.
Autor: Wolfman JackBlack , Anything , Real , Mexican
Historically, the 19th century is defined by annexations and internal turmoil. For instance, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 gave more than half of Mexican territory to the United States.
Autor: Ilan StavansMore , Half , Than , Mexican
One of the most notable traits of the Mexican's character is his willingness to contemplate horror: he is even familiar and complacent in his dealings with it.
Autor: Octavio PazHe , Character , Horror , Mexican