Frases sobre ''Meetings''

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If you're trying to stay productive, stop and think, 'Are my meetings actually productive, or are we merely having meetings for meetings' sake?'

Autor: Chris Fussell
  You , Think , Trying , Meetings

You win the Oscar, you get to go into just about anybody's office for a month. I had a lot of meetings.

Autor: Chris Wedge
  You , Office , Win , Meetings

In order to gain the respect of your players in the locker room, you can't just perform on Saturday. You have to do it consistently during practices, meetings, and in the weight room.

Autor: Junior Seau
  You , Respect , Saturday , Meetings

With her high pale brow under her faded brown hair, she was like a rock washed clean by years of her husband's absences at conventions, dinners, committee meetings or simply at the office.

Autor: Louis Auchincloss
  Hair , Husband , Rock , Meetings

We had some very distinguished fans: I know one chancellor of a major university who used to schedule his meetings around Star Trek. We were thrilled to discover that Frank Sinatra was a big fan.

Autor: Patrick Stewart
  Know , Fans , University , Meetings

The aspect of congresses and such meetings generally to which I attach the greatest importance is the discussion. That is why people assemble: to hear different opinions, rather than to pass resolutions.

Autor: Fredrik Bajer
  People , Why , Meetings , Opinions

Black players had an issue with Joe Torre. They weren't treated like everybody else. Even I got called out in a couple of meetings that I thought was unfair.

Autor: Gary Sheffield
  Black , Thought , Meetings , Unfair

To direct a genuinely animated film, you're really having meetings and discussing what you want with animators who then go off and produce one shot at a time that you look at and comment on.

Autor: Peter Jackson
  You , Look , Time , Meetings

Nature is forever arriving and forever departing, forever approaching, forever vanishing; but in her vanishings there seems to be ever the waving of a hand, in all her partings a promise of meetings farther along the road.

Autor: Richard Le Gallienne
  Nature , Road , Meetings , Forever

I don't think I'll ever be a producer who's into taking the meetings and fighting the big fights with studios. I really don't like that part. I'm much more interested in the material.

Autor: Meg Ryan
  Think , Big , Meetings , Fighting

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