Frases sobre ''Medals''
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I'm a crack shot and I've won medals for shooting. But I don't think I could shoot a person.
Autor: Gene VincentThink , Person , Shooting , Medals
Players judge their careers based on medals and trophies, don't they, and they look back on what they have achieved.
Autor: James MaddisonLook , Back , Judge , Medals
What drives me is winning medals and going out there and enjoying it.
Autor: Mo FarahMe , Out , Winning , Medals
You don't get any medal for trying something, you get medals for results.
Autor: Bill ParcellsYou , Something , Trying , Medals
Olympic medals are the one medal that I don't have; I've won just about every other competition that I've been at.
Autor: Eric ShanteauAbout , Just , Competition , Medals
We have regularly won medals at all tournaments and I think after 'Dangal,' the craze for wrestling increased among the girls.
Autor: Geeta PhogatThink , I Think , Wrestling , Medals
I knew that life isn't always just about the Olympic gold medals and the sponsors.
Autor: Nastia LiukinLife , Always , Gold , Medals
Former Olympians also get paid to make appearances. Many of them won their medals in an era when Olympic success didn't go hand-in-hand with financial success.
Autor: Mary Lou RettonGo , Success , Financial , Medals