Frases sobre ''Mechanic''

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I was a mechanic at a go-cart place, a deejay at a roller rink, a telemarketer in New York, a grocery bagger.

Autor: Michael Rosenbaum
  New , New York , Place , Mechanic

I've worked as a labourer, driven taxis and school buses, and been a car mechanic - whatever I could do just to get by. But it does mean that I know a little bit about a lot of things.

Autor: Cory Monteith
  Know , School , Car , Mechanic

There is no such thing as low maintenance or high maintenance, just a bunch of women hoping for a capable mechanic.

Autor: Liz Vassey
  Just , Women , High , Mechanic

I was going to go be an auto mechanic.

Autor: Milo Ventimiglia
  Go , Going , Mechanic , Auto

A designer is an emerging synthesis of artist, inventor, mechanic, objective economist and evolutionary strategist.

Autor: R. Buckminster Fuller
  Artist , Objective , Designer , Mechanic

My dad was an auto mechanic, but we moved to Fort Worth, where he worked in defense, building B-24s.

Autor: Roy Orbison
  Dad , Building , Worth , Mechanic

A male gynecologist is like an auto mechanic who has never owned a car.

Autor: Carrie Snow
  Never , Like , Car , Mechanic

My tastes are not those of the king, who has none, except for hunting and mechanic's labour.

Autor: Marie Antoinette
  Who , King , Hunting , Mechanic

I studied to be a car mechanic. That was my plan B. Servicing cars and changing tyres in Finland.

Autor: Valtteri Bottas
  Car , Plan , Changing , Mechanic

I tried being a mechanic and I tried catering, but I realized I had even less aptitude for semi-skilled labour than for academic work.

Autor: Toby Young
  Being , Work , Tried , Mechanic

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