Frases sobre ''Martial Arts''

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There is also a strong following among the urbanites on the East Coast when it comes to martial arts films.

Autor: Donnie Yen
  Strong , Arts , Coast , Martial Arts

A lot of Chinese martial arts films were based on Chinese martial arts novels. And these novels created a world of putting history, calligraphy, and martial arts into one.

Autor: Donnie Yen
  World , History , Were , Martial Arts

I've always been interested in martial arts.

Autor: Tracy Spiridakos
  Always , Been , Arts , Martial Arts

I did martial arts and karate for eight years when I was growing up.

Autor: Antony Starr
  Up , Growing Up , Years , Growing , Martial Arts

I do mixed martial arts, mainly kickboxing.

Autor: Gail Porter
  Arts , Martial Arts , Mixed , Kickboxing

I've done all kinds of martial arts. I have my blackbelt in Shorei Ru. I'm doing Wu Shu. I do all kinds of different martial arts.

Autor: Leo Howard
  Doing , Done , Different , Martial Arts

But my middle daughter, Kate, is very involved in martial arts, and I was just at one of her competitions.

Autor: Meredith Baxter
  Just , Daughter , Her , Martial Arts

I studied martial arts before I studied dance.

Autor: Robert Battle
  Dance , Before , Arts , Martial Arts

My martial arts background is Tae Kwon Do.

Autor: Will Yun Lee
  Background , Arts , Martial Arts , Martial

I wanted to be a martial arts film star when I was a teenager.

Autor: Chris Daughtry
  Wanted , Film , Star , Martial Arts

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