Frases sobre ''Marry''

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I'm not going to marry a third time. It is just not necessary.

Autor: Anne Robinson
  Time , Just , Going , Marry

I want to marry and have kids. The things we all want.

Autor: David Zinczenko
  Want , Things , Kids , Marry

That's my advice for indie filmmakers: Marry a supermodel.

Autor: Edward Burns
  Advice , Supermodel , Marry , Indie

Things really began to move for us. In 1953 I could afford to marry Doreen.

Autor: Ernie Wise
  Us , Things , Move , Marry

I'd always felt a man should marry later in life.

Autor: Frank Langella
  Life , Always , Man , Marry

I don't date rock 'n' rollers. I just marry them.

Autor: Heather Locklear
  Just , Rock , Date , Marry

If none were to Marry, but Men of strict Vertue and Honour, I doubt the World would be but thinly peopled.

Autor: Mary Astell
  World , Men , Doubt , Marry

Why should I marry? One marries to have children, but I already have children! My nieces and nephews are my children.

Autor: Salman Khan
  Why , Children , Nephews , Marry

It's a constant thing we do in life... I marry someone or have kids; these are the evolutions of life that we go on. There are constant shifts.

Autor: Percelle Ascott
  Life , Go , Someone , Marry

My advice to American filmmakers is to marry a European. I'm not kidding. Otherwise they don't qualify for international co-production treaties.

Autor: Jeremy Thomas
  American , Advice , Marry , Kidding

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