Frases sobre ''Marketing''

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I did not sell Amway, but I sold Shaklee, which was an Amway-type product sold through multi-level marketing.

Autor: Andy Kindler
  Through , Product , Marketing , Sell

I chose Sony Classics, not just because of their practical experience, not just because of their wisdom in marketing, but mainly because of their integrity.

Autor: Arthur Cohn
  Just , Experience , Wisdom , Integrity , Marketing

We are running a very strong and ongoing marketing campaign to get families to send their children to school, particularly girls.

Autor: Augustin Matata Ponyo
  Children , School , Strong , Marketing

Word-of-mouth marketing is a crucial component of organic growth for startups and one of the primary ways that Weebly has grown to over 15 million customers.

Autor: David Rusenko
  Over , Growth , Million , Marketing

The studios have been taken over by marketing people and accountants.

Autor: Joe Eszterhas
  People , Over , Been , Marketing

College students typically receive marketing offers in the mail from upwards of a hundred companies each year.

Autor: Parker Conrad
  College , Students , Year , Marketing

The pace of change in marketing and the marketplace continues to accelerate. Unicorn companies are challenging long-established brands, and categories are being re-imagined.

Autor: Richard Edelman
  Being , Change , Marketing , Pace

Our platform is a one-stop shop, from marketing and promotion through to ticketing. But even in the early days, in 2006-07, when we were mostly carrying shortform video, we became the premier movie marketing platform.

Autor: Victor Koo
  Early , Days , Marketing , Promotion

I've got lots of books sitting here that have never been published because nobody could make any marketing sense of them.

Autor: Whitley Strieber
  Never , Sitting , Nobody , Marketing

The strategic marketing paradigm of Open Source is a massively-parallel drunkard's walk filtered by a Darwinistic process.

Autor: Bruce Perens
  Process , Walk , Open , Marketing

Websites don't have to be complicated