Frases sobre ''Marble''

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White paint is my marble.

Autor: Cy Twombly
  White , Paint , Marble

Poets that lasting marble seek Must come in Latin or in Greek.

Autor: Edmund Waller
  Come , Must , Marble , Seek

I was obsessed with carrara marble. I had a carrara marble phone case.

Autor: Josie Totah
  Phone , Marble , Obsessed , Case

The great doctors all got their education off dirt pavements and poverty - not marble floors and foundations.

Autor: Martin H. Fischer
  Education , Great , Poverty , Marble

The marble not yet carved can hold the form of every thought the greatest artist has.

Autor: Michelangelo
  Art , Thought , Artist , Marble

The best of artists has no conception that the marble alone does not contain within itself.

Autor: Michelangelo
  Best , Alone , Within , Marble

A sculptor wields The chisel, and the stricken marble grows To beauty.

Autor: William Cullen Bryant
  Beauty , Marble , Grows , Sculptor

A disaster where marble has been substituted for imagination.

Autor: Ada Louise Huxtable
  Where , Disaster , Imagination , Marble

If you look at the entrance halls of the skyscrapers of the 1920s and 1930s, they are very welcoming. They are public spaces with enormous amounts of display and marble and so on. They were havens off the street.

Autor: Joseph Rykwert
  You , Look , Street , Marble

Your work is carved out of agony as a statue is carved out of marble.

Autor: Louise Bogan
  Your , Work , Marble , Statue

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