Frases sobre ''Manifest''

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No amount of manifest absurdity... could deter those who wanted to believe from believing.

Autor: Bernard Levin
  Who , Believe , Believing , Manifest

I think when people are repressing things, or burying things, that can manifest in all sorts of ways.

Autor: Guy Pearce
  People , Think , Things , Manifest

To try to fix the future is a manifest absurdity.

Autor: Iain Sinclair
  Future , Try , Manifest , Fix

To me art is a form of manifest revolt, total and complete.

Autor: Jean Tinguely
  Me , Art , Complete , Manifest

I'm involved in all things musical. It's all consuming, even if it doesn't necessarily manifest as a record or a concert.

Autor: Jimmy Page
  Things , All Things , Concert , Manifest

As a result of manifest destiny, we gutted our resources.

Autor: Jonathan Evison
  Result , Destiny , Resources , Manifest

UF is Utilization Flight. That got put in the manifest quite some time ago.

Autor: Linda M. Godwin
  Time , Some , Flight , Manifest

I really believe that we have the power to manifest our own fates.

Autor: Michael Trucco
  Own , Power , Believe , Manifest

God is everywhere but He is most manifest in man. So serve man as God. That is as good as worshipping God.

Autor: Ramakrishna
  Good , Man , God , Manifest

White fragility doesn't always manifest in overt ways; silence and withdrawal are also functions of fragility.

Autor: Robin DiAngelo
  Always , White , Silence , Manifest

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