Frases sobre ''Majority''

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The minority yields to the majority!

Autor: Deng Xiaoping
  Minority , Majority , Yields

The citizen parties, by an absolute majority, elected a National Socialist Government.

Autor: Fritz Sauckel
  National , Government , Citizen , Majority

All politics are based on the indifference of the majority.

Autor: James Reston
  Politics , Based , Indifference , Majority

Freddie and Brian tend to write the majority of the material.

Autor: John Deacon
  Write , Material , Majority , Brian

A man with God is always in the majority.

Autor: John Knox
  Always , Man , God , Majority

By and large, the theatre establishment is run by a white majority.

Autor: Lynn Nottage
  Run , Theatre , White , Majority

In a democracy there is a centralization of governmental power in a simple majority.

Autor: Robert W. Welch, Jr.
  Simple , Democracy , Power , Majority

One on God's side is a majority.

Autor: Wendell Phillips
  God , Side , Majority

I have a majority girl audience on YouTube.

Autor: Troye Sivan
  Girl , Audience , YouTube , Majority

No, the Knicks are not owned by the public. The Knicks are owned by the shareholders of the company, of which I'm the majority shareholder.

Autor: James L. Dolan
  Which , Company , Majority , Shareholders

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