Frases sobre ''Love Life''
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I think talking about one's love life is always... It's a Pandora's box, best kept in journals.
Autor: Emma CaulfieldLife , Love , Best , Love Life
I love to read about what my love life is really like.
Autor: Jennifer AnistonLife , Love , Like , Love Life
I love life. I'm fascinated by human behavior because that feeds back into my work.
Autor: Joseph FiennesLife , Love , Work , Love Life
I've seen 'Fried Green Tomatoes' too many times. I love life stories told in flashback.
Autor: Liam JamesLife , Love , Green , Love Life
There have been rumors and rumors and rumors about my love life. That's the one area that I really like to hold close to my heart.
Autor: Lupita Nyong'oLife , Love , Heart , Love Life
My love life isn't that exciting or interesting.
Autor: Percelle AscottLife , Love , Interesting , Love Life
I love life. I squeeze everything I can out of the day.
Autor: Pete DohertyLife , Love , Day , Love Life
It's not very fashionable, but I love life, and I believe that things disappear and reappear and nothing ever solidifies, no matter how middle-class, housebroken, staid, and solitary someone's life seems to be. That, I think, is what I'm writing about.
Autor: Colum McCannLife , Love , Believe , Love Life
The Americans all love 'The Holy Grail', and the English all love 'Life Of Brian', and I'm afraid on this one, I side with the English.
Autor: John CleeseLife , Love , Side , Love Life