Frases sobre ''Lottery''
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The death penalty is being applied in the United States as a fatal lottery.
Autor: Bianca JaggerBeing , Death , Death Penalty , Lottery
Those who have prospered and profited from life's lottery have a moral obligation to share their good fortune.
Autor: Dick GephardtMoral , Life , Good , Lottery
Knock on wood, but I think we hit the gestational carrier lottery!
Autor: Giuliana RancicThink , I Think , Wood , Lottery
I won the family lottery. I come from the best family in the world.
Autor: Jake EpsteinFamily , World , Best , Lottery
In twenty years, the Lottery has raised over $1.4 billion. It has been run successfully and efficiently.
Autor: Jane D. HullYears , Run , Over , Lottery
I despise the Lottery. There's less chance of you becoming a millionaire than there is of getting hit on the head by a passing asteroid.
Autor: Brian MayYou , Head , Chance , Lottery
Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life.
Autor: Cecil RhodesLife , You , Remember , Lottery
To get syndicated as a comic strip artist is as likely as winning the lottery.
Autor: Stephan PastisGet , Artist , Winning , Lottery