Frases sobre ''Losing''
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Too many women throw themselves into romance because they're afraid of being single, then start making compromises and losing their identity. I won't do that.
Autor: Julie DelpyIdentity , Losing , Women , Romantic
And there is no getting away from the fact - and this is a key point of discontent among many who are upset with the health care reform bill is it didn't go far enough. They say why isn't it in place now? Why don't I see some benefits now? All I see is the potential for losing insurance coverage, for premiums going up. That's hurting Obama.
Autor: Juan WilliamsCare , Losing , Place , Health
When I was 25, I had risked everything to launch Justin Bieber and was a couple months away from losing everything.
Autor: Scooter BraunEverything , Losing , Away , Launch
Sometimes entrepreneurs, successful people, need to put their blinders back on. They're losing their day to distraction, to faulty obligations.
Autor: Brendon BurchardSometimes , People , Day , Losing
When you try to cool down hot emotions, what tends to happen is that you end up either repressing them or losing them altogether. Neither is desirable. Without emotion, much social interaction loses its meaning or changes for the worse.
Autor: Julian BagginiYou , Losing , Hot , Cool
I'm losing friendships over forgetting to get back to people. But you can't keep up with everything. I've got a 13-year-old, a nine-year-old and a baby.
Autor: Reese WitherspoonYou , People , Losing , Baby
Look, it doesn't matter who you put in front of me or how many girls out of that locker room you want to throw at me. I'm taking them all out - and never losing this title.
Autor: Shayna BaszlerYou , Me , Look , Losing
The first time I ever beat my brother was the end of my junior year. At the end of the match, he tried to throw me, and I took him to his back and pinned him. Instead of simply losing, he bit me in the chest.
Autor: Rulon GardnerMe , Time , Losing , Brother
I still take losing out very seriously. But it inspires me that much more to move on. Quite often in my business, it's not the most talented people that succeed. Because they don't necessarily have the tenacity to deal with rejection.
Autor: Ryan KwantenMe , People , Losing , Business