Frases sobre ''London''
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Our hearts and prayers go out to the people in London and in Egypt. We're very concerned about it. We are providing our expertise to aid in the investigation in London.
Autor: Alberto GonzalesPeople , Go , Egypt , London
There are too many things to count that I like about London.
Autor: Andrew WyattAbout , Like , Things , London
As a child marooned in a post-war South London backwater with no ready cash and a bafflingly dysfunctional family, I had to glean my amusement wherever I could.
Autor: Christopher FowlerFamily , Child , Ready , London
It was a night when London was ringed and stabbed with fire.
Autor: Ernie PyleNight , Fire , London
Most cities have a centre surrounded by suburbs, but London has numerous centres: it's the model of a twenty-first century metropolis.
Autor: Hans-Ulrich ObristMost , London , Surrounded , Model
There wasn't very much going on in London about five years ago, and I just took a ticket on spec and went to Los Angeles. I think it was in my second week that I auditioned for 'Battlestar.'
Autor: James CallisJust , Think , Week , London
I've always wanted to perform on the London stage.
Autor: Mimi RogersAlways , Wanted , Stage , London
I love Indian food. London also has great Indian food.
Autor: Stephen PagliucaLove , Great , Food , London
We have such a loyal following in London that we decided to open a shop, and I find Albemarle Street extremely charming and special.
Autor: Edgardo OsorioFind , Special , Street , London