Frases sobre ''Little Girls''

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I pray every day for my little girls. It's hard out there for the younger generation.

Autor: Angie Harmon
  Day , Every Day , Generation , Little Girls

What we've seen of Rey, she looks like she can handle her stuff. So most of the comments I get are from parents who say how wonderful it is that their little girls can see this character.

Autor: Daisy Ridley
  Parents , Character , Looks , Little Girls

I love floral prints for little girls, and I love mixing prints.

Autor: Kourtney Kardashian
  Love , Little Girls , Little , Mixing

Our discomfort with female leadership runs deep. We call little girls bossy. We never really call little boys bossy, because a boy is expected to lead, so it doesn't surprise or offend.

Autor: Sheryl Sandberg
  Little Girls , Leadership , Deep , Surprise

I feel like it's my responsibility to honestly cover a lot of subjects in part because I have two little girls and I really want them when they grow up to have a voice.

Autor: Carre Otis
  Feel , Responsibility , Grow , Little Girls

I wasn't trying to be a role model with 'The Dutchess,' but suddenly, seeing little girls in the audience with their moms made me think about what I do onstage a little bit more. I had to watch my mouth, because it can be filthy. It changed things for me.

Autor: Fergie
  Me , Think , Little Girls , Mouth

No one talks about woman power. The Spice Girls - they're masquerading as little girls. It's repulsive.

Autor: Kim Gordon
  Power , Woman , Little Girls , Spice

I remember playing in my mom's closet with Kim as little girls - we had this game we played, I was Donna Karan, and she was my assistant, and I was really bossy.

Autor: Kourtney Kardashian
  Mom , Game , Remember , Little Girls

I want to reach everybody, from the little girls who are 3 years old, to the grandmother who watches my soap, to a young man in love.

Autor: Thalia
  Love , Man , Little Girls , Watches

If you... scaled down human beings, scaled down society, if you land with a group of little boys, they are more like a scaled-down version of society than a group of little girls would be.

Autor: William Golding
  You , Society , Down , Little Girls

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