Frases sobre ''Lightning''

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Before 'Moonrise,' I never thought I would be in a movie where I would be struck by lightning.

Autor: Jared Gilman
  Never , Where , Thought , Lightning

A poet is someone who stands outside in the rain hoping to be struck by lightning.

Autor: James Dickey
  Poet , Someone , Rain , Lightning

Unfortunately, if you've ever been in southern Georgia on the beaches in a lightning storm, if you're out there, you're in great, great danger, and you can be killed very, very quickly.

Autor: Norman Schwarzkopf
  You , Great , Lightning , Storm

Lightning Bolt and Hella are two bands I listen to, and there's a lot of finger tapping going on there.

Autor: Marnie Stern
  Two , Listen , Going , Lightning

The other guys just caught lightning in a bottle with a great game.

Autor: Rick Pitino
  Just , Game , Great , Lightning

Quick as lightning Wild Bill pulled his revolver. The stranger fell dead, shot through the brain.

Autor: Buffalo Bill
  Brain , Dead , Wild , Lightning

Having kids is something you can't always do. Kids are like lightning. You grab that lightning when you can get it.

Autor: John Travolta
  You , Always , Something , Lightning

One of the things about dealing with an artist is that their art is essentially - if they're successful, it's kind of lightning in a bottle. There is no formula for it.

Autor: Johnny Colt
  Art , Things , Artist , Lightning

The mills of God work like lightning compared with the law.

Autor: Mary Stewart
  Work , God , Law , Lightning

I paint on the ground. I paint with sticks, with big paint cans, and whatever else falls in it. Basically, what I'm doing is capturing unbridled emotion and putting it on canvas. It's like capturing lightning in a bottle.

Autor: Richard Grieco
  Doing , Big , Lightning , Emotion

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