Frases sobre ''Leg''

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My movements, ma'am, are all leg movements. I don't do nothing with my body.

Autor: Elvis Presley
  Nothing , Body , Leg , Movements

I've had, you know, my leg chopped off.

Autor: Heather Mills
  You , Know , Off , Leg

Leg spinners can change the game.

Autor: Imran Tahir
  Game , Change , Leg

Even the smallest dog can lift its leg on the tallest building.

Autor: Jim Hightower
  Building , Dog , Lift , Leg

Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining.

Autor: Judy Sheindlin
  Me , Tell , Raining , Leg

I had a wreck during a race in Michigan, which led to the hyperextension of my left leg and subsequent amputation.

Autor: Mike Schultz
  Race , Which , Left , Leg

A lie has no leg, but a scandal has wings.

Autor: Thomas Fuller
  Lie , Wings , Scandal , Leg

Don't break a leg, anyone. Do not break a leg. It's really boring.

Autor: Tom Hopper
  Anyone , Break , Boring , Leg

I broke my leg is all I did. I didn't break my brain.

Autor: Tony Stewart
  Did , Brain , Break , Leg

I have a very basic leg. But it has a silicon cover on it. I have a flat foot leg, a high heel leg and then I have a leg which, in the winter, I have to ski in and in the summer I swap it into my roller blades.

Autor: Heather Mills
  High , Summer , Winter , Leg

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