Frases sobre ''Law Enforcement''

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I think occasionally it's the presence - or increased presence - of federal law enforcement that can cause that fear.

Autor: Kirstjen Nielsen
  Think , Fear , Law , Law Enforcement

One of the crises that we have to deal with is a crisis of law enforcement officials that are not physically capable enough to handle without taking out the gun.

Autor: Niger Innis
  Enough , Law , Gun , Law Enforcement

I'm super-obsessed with law enforcement. I'm what you'd call a 'cop fan.'

Autor: Pauley Perrette
  You , Law , Fan , Law Enforcement

I am very pro law enforcement.

Autor: Robert Stack
  I Am , Law , Pro , Law Enforcement

I do believe that supporting our First Amendment rights and supporting local law enforcement are not mutually exclusive.

Autor: Steve Clevenger
  Believe , Law , Rights , Law Enforcement

When 'The Washington Post' ran the first national story about FBI profiling in 1984, no one outside of law enforcement recognized the term.

Autor: Ronald Kessler
  Story , Law , Post , Law Enforcement

It has come to my attention that Missouri state and local law enforcement agencies may be in need of additional resources due to the unanticipated costs of responding to the unrest in Ferguson.

Autor: Roy Blunt
  Need , Attention , Law , Law Enforcement

To indiscriminately cast all law enforcement as enemies of our communities is to engage in an attempt to divide our nation by turning Americans against each other.

Autor: Thom Tillis
  Nation , Law , Enemies , Law Enforcement

When a law enforcement officer apprehends an illegal immigrant, it makes no sense to simply release that individual who has been breaking our laws with no threat of sanction or penalty.

Autor: Bobby Jindal
  Sense , Law , Immigrant , Law Enforcement

But in my district I have heard from law enforcement officials and across the State of Florida about how much this JAG funding helps them fight crime, and to protect and serve the citizens within their jurisdiction.

Autor: Cliff Stearns
  Fight , Law , Crime , Law Enforcement

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