Frases sobre ''Ladder''
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I describe my career path as a zigzag, not a ladder.
Autor: Denise MorrisonCareer , Path , Describe , Ladder
I suppose, unconsciously, I used all my wives to further my journey up the ladder.
Autor: Laurence OlivierUp , Journey , Ladder , My Journey
If the composer withholds more than we anticipate, we experience a delicious falling sensation; we feel we have been torn from a stable point on the musical ladder and thrust into the void.
Autor: Levi StraussMore , Feel , Experience , Ladder
For the most ambitious young people, the corporate ladder is obsolete.
Autor: Paul GrahamPeople , Young , Ladder , Young People
In this business, you're either Brad Pitt right away, or you're already going down the ladder.
Autor: Skeet UlrichYou , Business , Down , Ladder
Some people are at the top of the ladder, some are in the middle, still more are at the bottom, and a whole lot more don't even know there is a ladder.
Autor: Robert H. SchullerPeople , Know , Some People , Ladder
Education is not only a ladder of opportunity, but it is also an investment in our future.
Autor: Ed MarkeyEducation , Future , Opportunity , Ladder
Workers in decent jobs view the economy as unjust if they or their children have virtually no chance of climbing to a higher rung in the socioeconomic ladder.
Autor: Edmund PhelpsView , Children , Chance , Ladder
Initially, it was about kids at the bottom rung of the social ladder, due to their looks and their class background. But they're also outsiders in terms of their peer group.
Autor: Jim McKayLooks , Class , Group , Ladder
Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.
Autor: Stephen CoveyManagement , Success , Leadership , Ladder