Frases sobre ''Knife''

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I feel like a princess with a knife. I've wanted to be an Iron Chef forever.

Autor: Alex Guarnaschelli
  Feel , Chef , Princess , Knife

My favorite knife is from Miyakoya in Japan - I have one in each of my restaurants.

Autor: Nobu Matsuhisa
  Favorite , Each , Japan , Knife

Fear tastes like a rusty knife and do not let her into your house.

Autor: John Cheever
  Your , House , Fear , Knife

I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I just work hard.

Autor: Kemba Walker
  Work , Hard , Work Hard , Knife

I ended up injuring her with a knife I had on me. I can't really remember what happened.

Autor: Mathias Rust
  Me , Remember , Her , Knife

A kitchen without a knife is not a kitchen.

Autor: Masaharu Morimoto
  Without , Kitchen , Knife

My friend told me I went over to this guy and he pulled a knife.

Autor: Matt Nagle
  Me , Guy , Friend , Knife

Coaching the Bruins is like going bear hunting with a butter knife.

Autor: Pat Burns
  Like , Hunting , Knife , Coaching

I need to have better knife skills... for vegetables.

Autor: Rachel McAdams
  Need , Better , Vegetables , Knife

My brother got a .22 for his 12th birthday; I got a .22. He got a hunting knife; I got a hunting knife.

Autor: Stephanie Cutter
  Brother , Birthday , Hunting , Knife

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