Frases sobre ''Killer''
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I'm a better husband and father than I was a killer.
Autor: Chris KyleBetter , Father , Husband , Killer
I really think the app store is kind of the killer app for Apple and for Google.
Autor: Mitch LaskyThink , Apple , Google , Killer
Telling the community a serial killer is out there stirs up a lot of unpleasant attention.
Autor: Pat BrownUp , Community , Attention , Killer
The day after I got an agent, I got called in for a role in a TV movie called 'Legion Of Fire: Killer Ants.'
Autor: Patrick FugitDay , Fire , Ants , Killer
Whether I was The Legend Killer, The Viper, The Apex Predator, nothing's really changed.
Autor: Randy OrtonLegend , Nothing , Changed , Killer
I'm going to get T-shirts made that say 'Paula Marshall is Not a Show Killer.'
Autor: Paula MarshallSay , Going , Show , Killer
I did a film about the Zodiac Killer. It turned out well.
Autor: Robin TunneyWell , Out , Film , Killer
I was the ghost-faced killer for Halloween in the third or fourth grade.
Autor: Rory CulkinKiller , Halloween , Fourth , Third
I was obsessed with David Bowie - still am. He's a babe, a total babe. His music is killer; his visuals are beautiful.
Autor: Charlotte SullivanMusic , He , Beautiful , Killer