Frases sobre ''Keep Going''
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I've always heard that the reason you fall is to get back up and keep going. So when that happens, or life throws you bad breaks or curves or deals you the wrong hand, all I've ever known is to keep going.
Autor: Gary RossingtonLife , You , Fall , Keep Going
You can't stop getting older; you just have to keep going and laugh a lot.
Autor: Anita DobsonYou , Laugh , Getting Older , Keep Going
I would look at older blues musicians who just keep going into their seventies. They keep doing it until they drop dead. And I've always felt like that's what I want to do. I've felt that since the day I was able to start playing music for a living. I don't see the point of thinking about retiring because it's not work to begin with.
Autor: Chris CornellMusic , Work , Day , Keep Going
When you turn 60, the key is to not stop moving. Once you start to stop moving, you rust. You got to just keep going.
Autor: Christie BrinkleyYou , Start , Moving , Keep Going
I'm a workaholic, so I ignore the signs of fatigue and just keep going and going, and then conk out when I get home. It can be pretty stressful.
Autor: Keke PalmerHome , Pretty , Ignore , Keep Going
As a creative person, you have to keep going. There's no defined career path. There's no security.
Autor: Noel WellsYou , Path , Creative , Keep Going
That inner voice has both gentleness and clarity. So to get to authenticity, you really keep going down to the bone, to the honesty, and the inevitability of something.
Autor: Meredith MonkYou , Down , Honesty , Keep Going
I have some talent. So, I'm going to show it off. No matter what, I'm gonna keep going.
Autor: TinkTalent , Some , Matter , Keep Going
It's a very competitive industry, and so much of it does come down to luck, so I feel very blessed that I've been given the opportunities that I have, and I guess that's what fuels me - the fight to keep going.
Autor: Eleanor TomlinsonMe , Fight , Blessed , Keep Going
I just want to play until I think I don't feel good - and if I can still do it. If I can't do it, I don't think I'll keep going once I don't feel I'm playing the way I want to.
Autor: Logan MankinsFeel , Good , Feel Good , Keep Going