Frases sobre ''Jungle''

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In the jungle, you learn about the other beauties in life. In everyday life, it's all about looking perfect, but in there, there's none of that.

Autor: Emily Atack
  Life , You , Looking , Jungle

In the social jungle of human existence, there is no feeling of being alive without a sense of identity.

Autor: Erik Erikson
  Identity , Feeling , Alive , Jungle

I think of myself as a jungle musician because of my lack of formal training.

Autor: George Harrison
  Myself , Think , Training , Jungle

I came home for a week after I finished filming 'Rambo' because, after being in the jungle for three months, all I wanted to do was walk in the Highlands.

Autor: Graham McTavish
  Being , Home , Walk , Jungle

When I was 15, I wanted to be a jungle MC. Everybody I knew wanted to be Stevie Hyper D or Skibadee or whatever.

Autor: Rag'n'Bone Man
  Everybody , Wanted , Whatever , Jungle

Life is a zoo in a jungle.

Autor: Peter de Vries
  Life , Jungle , Life Is A , Zoo

Is art influential? It can be - 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' rallied abolitionists, and 'The Jungle' provoked the demand for a safer food industry.

Autor: Will Shetterly
  Art , Food , Jungle , Uncle

There is no law for farm labor organizing, save the law of the jungle.

Autor: Cesar Chavez
  Organizing , Law , Farm , Jungle

I wanted to be like the heroes of the books I read. That's why I wanted to go to the jungle. I wasn't interested in danger from the adrenaline aspect, I was more interested in the romance.

Autor: Yossi Ghinsberg
  Like , Go , Heroes , Jungle

Most Americans have no clue that before there were highways, there were only waterways to get through the wilderness. If you weren't on a lake or a river, you were in a jungle.

Autor: Nathaniel Philbrick
  You , River , Jungle , Lake

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