Frases sobre ''Jail''
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The murder of Robert Krentz - whose family had been ranching in Arizona since 1907 - by illegal alien drug dealers was the final straw for many Arizonans. But there are dozens and dozens of other citizens of our state who had been murdered by illegal aliens. Currently 95 illegal aliens are in Maricopa County jail for murder.
Autor: Russell PearceFamily , Who , Jail , Alien
Most people figured I'd be in jail. I've been proving people wrong my whole life.
Autor: Gary SheffieldLife , People , Wrong , Jail
I left the world of jail with plenty of relief but, more than anything, with a sense of unease that I still can't quite shake.
Autor: Keith GessenMore , World , Jail , Left
When I caught my case and went to jail, I could have caught a gang of extra time.
Autor: YGTime , Jail , Gang , Caught
I shot a couple of movies in jail, but I was never in jail.
Autor: Tom SizemoreNever , Movies , Jail , Shot
It would be like the films I've seen where wardens would decide to be in a jail cell for a week, to get a sense of what it would be like to be a prisoner.
Autor: Gregory HinesLike , Jail , Week , Decide