Frases sobre ''Jacket''
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I was brought up in a very rural area on grounds of a castle. It was a working farm, and I even remember the local shepherd wearing his Barbour jacket.
Autor: Sam HeughanRemember , Farm , Castle , Jacket
It was Julie Burchill who decreed that, beyond a certain age, a man should not be seen in a leather jacket.
Autor: Arthur SmithMan , Age , Beyond , Jacket
I kept having chills. This was in the middle of the summer and I was wearing a sheepskin jacket and I was chilling. I was shaking all over.
Autor: Dick YorkOver , Summer , Wearing , Jacket
I'm extremely hairy. It pretty much connects from the top of my head to my toes with a nice upper body sweater/track jacket type of thing.
Autor: Jake ArrietaPretty , Body , Nice , Jacket
Man can be in Sahara desert - but I'm still going to wear the jacket.
Autor: Michael DapaahMan , Wear , Desert , Jacket
Proper love should be utterly supportive and comfortable, and it feels like a raincoat or a jacket potato.
Autor: Olivia ColmanLove , Like , Comfortable , Jacket
Whenever I pick up a jacket and it's heavy, I think, 'Oh, I don't want to wear that.'
Autor: Sarah BurtonWant , Think , Wear , Jacket
Tech Jacket shares the same tone as Invincible, but the subject matter is very different. Where Invincible is about perfection, Tech Jacket is about flaws.
Autor: Robert KirkmanMatter , Perfection , Flaws , Jacket
I always try and keep a jacket from everything I do. I've still got my original coat from 'Snatch' and my jacket from 'This Is England'.
Autor: Stephen GrahamEverything , Always , Try , Jacket
When I was a kid doing television, they'd stick a leather jacket on me, and I would be the thug.
Autor: Phil DanielsMe , Doing , Television , Jacket