Frases sobre ''Isolation''

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Tasmanian history is a study of human isolation unprecedented except in science fiction - namely, complete isolation from other humans for 10,000 years.

Autor: Jared Diamond
  Science , History , Study , Isolation

Teamwork is better than isolation, especially for a columnist.

Autor: Allan Sloan
  Better , Than , Isolation , Teamwork

I would get a lot of writing done if I lived in isolation in a cave under a swamp.

Autor: Claire Cameron
  Writing , Done , Isolation , Cave

I hope the seeds I have sown will be taken up by those who will follow me because the journey I have begun cannot be undertaken in isolation.

Autor: Evelyn Glennie
  Me , Journey , Isolation , Hope

We can't afford to live in isolation, and we need to teach our kids that the things that they do not only matter to others far away but impact others who live far away, and there are ripples of effect.

Autor: Maya Soetoro-Ng
  Live , Matter , Isolation , Far Away

The worst cruelty that can be inflicted on a human being is isolation.

Autor: Sukarno
  Being , Worst , Human Being , Isolation

Border strengthening is effective, but not if done in isolation. We also need to give priority to establishing public institutions that deliver a sustained level of security and justice for citizens. Border security can never come at the expense of migrants' rights. Nor can it be used to legitimize inhumane treatment.

Autor: Ban Ki-moon
  Never , Security , Justice , Isolation

The political object is the goal, war is the means of reaching it, and the means can never be considered in isolation from their purposes.

Autor: Carl von Clausewitz
  Never , War , Political , Isolation

If a man were living in isolation his income would be literally his product. Make him the monarch and owner of an island, and the fruits that he raises and the clothing that he makes constitute, in themselves, his income. This ceases to be true when trading begins.

Autor: John Bates Clark
  Man , True , Isolation , Island

I wasn't afraid of treating Ebola patients in the isolation unit. That was the safest job. But seeing patients in the clinic, seeing patients in the emergency room, being in the community - those things gave me pause.

Autor: Kent Brantly
  Me , Community , Job , Isolation

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