Frases sobre ''Investigation''

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There is a well-established process by which a prosecutor can recuse themselves from a pending investigation and a special prosecutor be appointed.

Autor: Jay Nixon
  Process , Special , Which , Investigation

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has long been regarded as our nation's premier federal investigative agency.

Autor: Rod Rosenstein
  Long , Been , Nation , Investigation

A new era in the physiological investigation of linguistic sounds was opened up by X-ray photography.

Autor: Roman Jakobson
  Up , New , Photography , Investigation

In due course, following an additional debriefing, the FBI confirmed to me and to my former counsel, Tom Carter, that I was not a suspect in this case. I assumed that my involvement in the investigation was over.

Autor: Steven Hatfill
  Me , Over , Investigation , Involvement

As a scientist in the field of biological warfare defense, I have never had any reservations whatsoever about helping the anthrax investigation in any way that I could.

Autor: Steven Hatfill
  Never , About , Way , Investigation

At the beginning of all experimental work stands the choice of the appropriate technique of investigation.

Autor: Walter Rudolf Hess
  Work , Beginning , Choice , Investigation

About all I can say for the United States Senate is that it opens with a prayer and closes with an investigation.

Autor: Will Rogers
  Say , I Can , Prayer , Investigation

What are facts but compromises? A fact merely marks the point where we have agreed to let investigation cease.

Autor: Bliss Carman
  Where , Point , Facts , Investigation

These ancient huts were soon cleared of the rubbish covering them. I planned them, and removed them for investigation below, which undertaking took until the fourth of Nov.

Autor: Howard Carter
  Them , Soon , Investigation , Planned

We were criticized throughout that investigation for being too thorough, for taking too long. But time has proved the correctness of that approach.

Autor: Ken Starr
  Being , Time , Long , Investigation

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