Frases sobre ''Interior''
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We need a strong police force - the Interior Ministry of the Republic of Chechnya. We have to get rid of the traitors who have managed to penetrate into the law-enforcement department.
Autor: Akhmad KadyrovNeed , Interior , Strong , Police
You can expect interior enforcement actions in the future.
Autor: Asa HutchinsonYou , Future , Interior , Expect
I only ever worked on interiors, and an interior is an interior. I don't know what they did about exteriors.
Autor: Christopher EcclestonKnow , About , Only , Interior
Fashion and interior design are one and the same.
Autor: Iris ApfelInterior , Same , Fashion , Design
My secret desire is to be an interior designer. I'd love to make houses for rich clients who can afford to do things right.
Autor: Luca GuadagninoLove , Desire , Interior , Rich
A system of cameras and censors are used along the border and interior to help detect the movement of illegal immigrants crossing through the dense brush.
Autor: Timothy MurphyHelp , Border , Interior , Immigrants
The living cell almost always contains, locked in its interior, the visible or invisible products of its physiological activity or its nourishment.
Autor: Albrecht KosselAlways , Activity , Living , Interior
I wish to sing of my interior visions with the naive candour of a child.
Autor: Claude DebussyWish , I Wish , Interior , Child
The exterior cannot do without the interior since it is from this, as from life, that it derives much of its inspiration and character.
Autor: Stephen GardinerLife , Character , Interior , Inspiration